What’s In My Diaper Bag

Let’s be realistic, being the mom to a toddler, gone are the days where I have to carry a fully loaded diaper bag. Today, I combine my necessities and Bryce’s alike, into one bag, making it more convenient for me! Everything from snacks and sunglasses, to lipgloss and diapers, These are the contents of my every day purse/ Bryce’s diaper bag.
NOTE: the contents may vary from day to day depending on multiple factors IE: a grocery store trip versus a day trip, etc. although the core contents remain the same!

– I’ll start off with mentioning having a stylish, and roomy baby bag!

My stash consists of the necessary things I’ll need and I store that in the smallest compartment possible (because Bryce’s things get to hog the rest of the bag lol)
My stash consists of

-Cell phone




because sometimes, a little makeup goes a long way! I love Urban Decay’s NAKED Ultra Nourishing lip gloss in Lovechild.


-Hair ties

for those questionable messy hair days.


That can hide my sleepy eyes lol

– Training diapers

Bryce has decided to rebel against the potty as of now.

– Neat Cheeks

These are a must have for easy and fuss free clean up post snack, meal, etc. Bryce loves the sweet taste and I love them because they are all natural- not to mention, he cleans himself up!

– Fruit snacks

These are amazing for a toddler ‘on the go’.

– A nifty bum wipe case

– Sippy cup

We are slowly transitioning to a cup, but for car rides, these babies are a necessity!

– Toys!

I don’t care where I’m going, or for how long, I ALWAYS carry some form of small toy for the little man. Too often, I forget a toy at home while at the grocery store and I can almost hear them say, “toddler meltdown on aisle 5” over the intercom lol.
Do you still carry a diaper bag for your toddler? What are some differences in things that we carry? Any similarities? 

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